Foolproof Sourdough Starter Recipe (2024)

Isn’t sourdough the best!?! So crusty & chewy – especially right out of the oven. Today I’ll walk you through creating & maintaining your own sourdough starter, so you can enjoy fresh-baked bread at home.

Foolproof Sourdough Starter Recipe (1)

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Making your own sourdough may seem challenging – it intimidated the heck outta me – but it’s easier than you’d think!

In just a week’s time, you can be eating delicious sourdough bread.

The day-to-day maintenance is very easy…you just have to be deliberate about it.

Foolproof Sourdough Starter Recipe (2)

In the beginning, it can help to have reminders on your phone, so it’s fed properly to get started.

But after it’s established, they’re pretty resilient and you only need to bother when it’s time to bake.

Did you know it’s an old superstition to name your sourdough starter?

It’s wild yeast! Believe it or not, yeast is present everywhere. It’s on surfaces, in the air, and also in flour

In fact, before we had instant yeast or active-dry yeast, wild yeast was it!

BUT it takes time to cultivate and would be a little tricky to send to market, so commercial producers came up with the new-fangled versions of yeast for ease of production and storage.

The basic concept of sourdough is allowing this wild yeast to take hold, feeding over time, getting sourer, and fermenting into a delicious bread base.

Foolproof Sourdough Starter Recipe (3)

Where do you want to start?

Click below to learn more!

Here’s what you’ll need:

Now let’s walk through the 5-day process of creating your sourdough starter!

Using your scale – in your non-reactive container – combine..

  • 4 oz of flour
  • 4 oz of non-chlorinated water

Give it a good mix and store it in a warm spot – I keep ours on top of the fridge.

Make sure that it’s covered – to keep dust and debris out – but still breathable.

Oxygen is key for your starter to develop. If you put a solid lid on it, it will probably die. I learned that the hard way…

Foolproof Sourdough Starter Recipe (8)

For my “lid” I put a paper towel on top of the container and secure it with a rubber band.

Let it sit for about a day. This gives the wild yeast time to develop.

At this point, you may or may not see activity in your starter.

Bubbles are a good thing, but it’s still early.

Discard 2/3 of your starter.

To start out, this typically just goes in the trash. However, once your flavor starts to develop – which takes a month or so – you can start using this discard in a variety of tasty recipes.

So far, I’ve made sourdough pancakes, waffles, crepes, and crackers using my discards.

Once you’ve discarded, add…

  • 4 oz of flour
  • 4 oz of non-chlorinated water

Mix well and store, covered, back in your warm place for another day.

On the third day, you should start to see more bubbles in your starter. It may even begin to have a sour taste or smell.

Same as before, discard 2/3 of your starter & add…

  • 4 oz of flour
  • 4 oz of non-chlorinated water

Mix well, and store in a warm place.

The fourth day is business as usual. We’re still feeding your starter and waiting for that sour taste to develop.

Hopefully, you see a few more bubbles every day.

Discard 2/3 of your starter & add…

  • 4 oz of flour
  • 4 oz of non-chlorinated water

Mix well and store in a warm place.

Today your starter should be ready to bake!

I would still go through the exercise of discarding 2/3 and feeding it again, but at this point, it should be good to go.

You can test it by dropping a small spoonful of starter in a glass of water.

If it floats, it’s ready!

If it sinks, continue with the feeding regimen until it does float.

Keep in mind that it will most likely take a month or two for the real sour flavor to develop, so it will be a mild sourdough to start out.

However, at this point, it should be active enough to give you that delightful sourdough texture and you’ll gain the benefits of baking with fermented products.

Your new sourdough starter will need to be maintained indefinitely, but don’t worry – it’s not that much to commit to!

Luckily, your starter does just fine with hibernating in the fridge…

I’ve left mine in there for weeks at a time & never had issues.

Just take it out the day before you want to bake. Give it time to warm up to room temperature before feeding – at least a few hours.

Foolproof Sourdough Starter Recipe (10)

Discard 2/3 and feed…

  • 4-6 oz of flour
  • matching amount of non-chlorinated water

If you’re about to bake, you may want to feed more, but for general maintenance, 4oz is still fine.

Give it a day to eat and either…

  • Do your float test to see if it’s ready to bake
  • Put it back in the fridge for storage

Keep in mind that if it ever gets an orange or pink hue to it, throw it out! That means it’s been taken over by bad bacteria – it’s spoiled & time to start over.

But that’s it! Just feed your starter every weekend, watching the sour flavor develop over time, and you’ll always have the means for delicious sourdough bread!

Sourdough Starter Tips & Trick

Using the Right Water

The BIGGEST tip I can give you – use non-chlorinated water!

Chlorine & other bad bacteria in your faucet water can kill off your sourdough before it even starts.

Believe me…I’ve lost a few starters to the dreaded pink & orange liquid…

But never fear, it’s super easy to turn regular water into good sourdough water. Just leave it out for 24 hours.

Seriously, just fill a jug with water – we use our old gallon milk jugs – and leave it out, with the lid off, for 24 hours.

Now your water is prepped & you’re ready to get sourdough-ing!

Foolproof Sourdough Starter Recipe (12)

Flour Options

Most sourdough starters use all-purpose flour, but – if you want to get zesty – you do have options…

It’s possible to add wheat, rye, or even spelt to your sourdough!

And though I have no personal experience with alternative flours, there are a lot of great resources out there to help you out.

Your Storage Container

Your little sourdough buddy is going to need a container to call home.

And because it’s alive and fermenting, aluminum & metals are a big no no.

They can sometimes react with your starter causing damage to the sourdough, the containers, or both!

However, I will admit…this is a lot less common with newer containers.

Against advice, I’ve stored mine in a metal mixing bowl for short stints and nothing bad happend.

BUT I do still recommend a glass or ceramic container for long-term storage.

It also doesn’t hurt to have a backup, since the primary container will need to be washed every once in a while.

So what do you think?Are you ready to make your own sourdough starter? In just five days, you can be eating homemade sourdough bread.

If you liked this article, please share it tospread the sourdough love.

What’s your favorite type of bread to bake?Send us an email or leave a comment below! You can also let us know on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, or Pinterestpages.

Foolproof Sourdough Starter Recipe (13)

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Check out these articles for morerecipes

Foolproof Sourdough Starter Recipe (18)
Foolproof Sourdough Starter Recipe (19)

Sourdough Starter Recipe


  • All-purpose flour
  • Non-chlorinated water
  • Glass or ceramic container
  • Scale


Day 1

    In a glass or ceramic container, combine...

    - 4 oz of flour

    - 4 oz of non-chlorinated water

    Place in a warm spot - like the top of your fridge - for 24 hours

Day 2

    You may start to see bubbles appear - that's a good thing!

    Discard 2/3 of your starter & add...

    - 4 oz of flour

    - 4 oz of non-chlorinated water

    Mix well & store back in your warm spot for another 24 hours

Day 3

    Should have a few more bubbles today.

    Again, discard 2/3 of your starter & add...

    - 4 oz of flour

    - 4 oz of non-chlorinated water

    Mix well & store back in your warm spot for another 24 hours

Day 4

    Should be fairly bubbly at this point, perhaps with a sour taste or smell

    Again, discard 2/3 of your starter & add...

    - 4 oz of flour

    - 4 oz of non-chlorinated water

    Mix well & store back in your warm spot for another 24 hours

Day 5

    Your starter is ready to bake! You can test by dropping a small amount in a glass of water.

    If it floats, you're can start baking sourdough bread!

    If it sinks, repeat the feeding process until it floats


If stored at room temperature, your starter would benefit from a couple of feedings a week.

For long term storage, keep it in the fridge and repeat the discard & feed process prior to baking.

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Foolproof Sourdough Starter Recipe (20)
Foolproof Sourdough Starter Recipe (2024)


How to have a successful sourdough starter? ›

There is no single best ratio, but I've found a ratio of 1:5:5 fed twice daily at 12-hour intervals to produce a sourdough starter that's strong and healthy. This ratio corresponds to 20% ripe starter carryover, 100% water, and 100% flour (a mix of whole grain rye and white flour) at each feeding.

How to make a very active sourdough starter? ›

10. How do I make my sourdough starter more active?
  1. Keep your starter warm, 74-76°F (23-24°C) or warmer.
  2. Use more whole grains in each feeding.
  3. Feed your starter when it's ripe (not too early, and not too late)
  4. Don't place it into the refrigerator.
Jul 10, 2024

What is the best flour to use for sourdough starter? ›

The best flour blend for creating a new sourdough starter is 50% whole-meal flour (whole wheat or whole rye) and 50% bread flour or all-purpose flour. I recommend a 50/50 mix of whole wheat flour and bread flour. Why do you need to use these two types of flour?

Do you have to discard sourdough starter every time you feed it? ›

With each sourdough starter feeding, you'll be discarding some to avoid it from becoming overly acidic. Most will compost or trash this discard, but you can save it and use it in other recipes!

How soon after feeding sourdough starter can I use it? ›

Cover with either a tea towel or a glass lid. I like using a glass lid, because a towel tends to get really messy. Allow to sit of for 4-12 hours before using in a recipe, once it has about doubled in volume. If not using for baking, feed about 12-24 hours after last feeding or place in the fridge.

What is the healthiest flour for sourdough bread? ›

Rye Flour

Compared to wholemeal flour, rye flour is said to be the most nutrient and amylase-dense option for a sourdough starter. Overall, it has a lower gluten protein content than wheat flour, which means that rye flour produces slack, sticky and dense doughs.

What helps a sluggish sourdough starter? ›

There are three techniques for strengthening a weak starter:
  1. Change the feeding interval.
  2. Change the feeding ratio.
  3. Change the type of flour.

Should you stir your sourdough starter? ›

No you do not have to stir sourdough starter before you use it. You measure the sourdough starter by weight, not volume, so stirring it or not makes absolutely no difference. What does "fed" sourdough starter mean? Fed sourdough starter refers to a starter that has been fed flour and water (preferably by weight).

Why is my starter bubbling but not rising? ›

If your starter gets completely covered on top with bubbles but does not rise, it is healthy but may just be a wet mix. Try reducing the water in your next feeding and see if you have different results. Also, the type of flour you are using can impede the rise of your starter.

What should my sourdough starter look like after 24 hours? ›

After 12-24 hours (it depends when it was last refreshed) it may look bubblier: Wheat sourdough starter 24 hours after new flour and water added. It is never frothy, like the rye, but it should be bubbly. However, the bubbles do not necessarily indicate that the sourdough starter ready to use.

How many days until sourdough starter is ready? ›

Creating a healthy and vibrant sourdough starter can take anywhere from 7 to 14 days depending on several factors. The temperature of your kitchen is the most important factor to consider. Starters thrive in a warm environment, ideally around 75°F (24°C).

Can I use regular flour to feed my sourdough starter? ›

But all purpose, bread flour, whole wheat flour or rye flour are all suitable for feeding a regular sourdough starter successfully. Many people like to feed their sourdough starter a cheaper flour, particularly when in the establishment phase and going through quite a bit of it.

Why do you throw away half the sourdough starter? ›

In order to allow your starter to grow and flourish, you need to "refresh" it with fresh flour and water. Discarding some first allows you to add this fresh food, whilst maintaining your starter at a manageable size.

Can I leave my sourdough starter out all night? ›

You would then remove it from the fridge for feeding ahead of preparing the dough. Can I leave my starter out overnight after feeding it? Yes, if you have just fed it. Since the night is rather long, feed it in a 1:4:4 ratio so that's not over fermented by the morning.

Can you over feed a sourdough starter? ›

The colony of wild yeast and bacteria inside your starter jar are fairly resilient, however, like most living things, they can be overfed. When you overfeed a sourdough starter you dilute the natural population of yeast and bacteria, making your sourdough culture weak and inactive.

How long does it take to get a good sourdough starter? ›

The following sourdough starter recipe schedule will provide you with a reliable and robust sourdough starter in 6 to 9 days. Once you have the culture stable, it will last indefinitely as long as you refresh it regularly.

How do I know if my sourdough starter is strong enough? ›

A sourdough starter needs to at least double its volume, but could even triple if it's really active and happy. Ideally, it should be doubling within 4 to 6 hours of feeding - but it can sometimes happen within just 2 hours if it's warm.

How do you bring a sourdough starter to life? ›

How to Revive an Old Sourdough Starter
  1. Remove/scrape off the top layer. This may involve pouring off any black/grey liquid on top, or in my situation, jack-hammering the 2-inch dried crust out of the jar.
  2. Move to a fresh jar. ...
  3. Feed & water. ...
  4. Wait. ...
  5. Keep Feeding.
Mar 28, 2024

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.