Family Travel Eating Gluten-Free in Asia - 7 Wayfinders (2024)

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Last Updated on September 28, 2021 by Leslie Stroud

Who doesn’t love to talk about food?!

We are so excited to introduce our new IG channel, @thehungrywayfinder. We love to eat. We have the extra pounds and the mom-bod and dad-bod to prove it. Haha!

Family Travel Eating Gluten-Free in Asia - 7 Wayfinders (1)

Food used to be a HUGE part of why we traveled. We actually traveled to Portland for the first time because when we Googled “best US foodie destination”, Portland was near the top of all the lists. Portland was our second stop on our journey and we fell in love, food, and otherwise.

Right before we left to travel the world, in March 2018, I went to a holistic hormone NP and did some blood work. I went to check if my hormones were all OK after finishing baby making and nursing. What came back was surprising- my body was have a serious inflammation issue.

Sure, I was tired. I was dragging sometimes. However, I have five kids! At the time the youngest was not even one. Isn’t it normal to be tired? Isn’t it normal to need a nap every afternoon?

When I was told that my best course of action would be to go gluten-free, I was SHOCKED. I wasn’t all that resistant, just blow away. This was not the news I was looking for. I asked for the reasoning and the “why” I should do this. It was enough to convince me. I had the beginning signs of Hashimoto’s, which is my thyroid reacting to something I’m eating and creating antibodies. These then attack my thyroid. It will turn into a full-blown autoimmune disease, which is not new to my family history.

I didn’t know at first if I needed to go off just gluten or if I would need gluten AND dairy. The NP told me to start with gluten first for three month and then re-test my blood. “But I’m about to travel the world!” I said. We looked up a lab in Portland, where we would be three months later, and I set a date to get retested.

I went home and ate a cookie.

The next week or so was hard. I have a dear friend who is Celiac, so I wasn’t as new to it as some. I knew the main culprits. I immediately texted her and got some advice.

Do you know how hard it was to go to Portland and NOT eat gluten? It was a real test of my will power. Dim Sum, Blue Star Donuts, Bao Bao… the things that were bringing us to Portland in the first place!

Fast forward a few months. My blood work did confirm that eliminating gluten was enough. My inflammation went way down and my thyroid was a much happier organ. I didn’t need a nap everyday!

I didn’t start to notice an actual difference from eating gluten until the day we left Portland. We picked up a box of Blue Star donuts and I ate one! The NP told me a little nibble once a month or so would be OK. Instead, I ate three donuts.

We drove to Pacifica, CA and that night I felt pretty rough. The next day I was a mess! It makes me incredibly foggy, like I’m in that uber-exhausted, I-can’t-make-a-decision state. Kind of like how I am when I have a newborn and haven’t slept for weeks. I also was incredibly tired. I think I slept until 11 am and didn’t know how I would even get out of bed because I was still so tired. Woah. Hello my nemesis, gluten.

Fast forward a couple more months and I started to feel the kids needed to be gluten-free also. Our three-year-old had a skin prick test right before we left (like the week we left) and reacted to gluten, peanuts and egg yolk. We didn’t do much about it since we were moving! We just tried to start taking those things out of his diet when we could.

I kept getting little messages to my soul that the kids needed to try it. So we talked about it as parents and decided we would take everyone gluten-free, except for Chris, for a year. Why not Chris? He went to the same NP and got his blood test back. He had no issues similar to mine.

Presenting it to the kids was rough. The big ones REALLY pushed back. They loved that when I couldn’t eat gluten, they got my portion. They love kid food, which is ALL gluten. However, we knew we couldn’t just make the three-year-old be gluten free. He would feel SO isolated and resentful. He wasn’t old enough to be the outcast with mom and be OK with it.

More importantly, we knew that is quite likely at least one of our kids will or does have the same issue, if not all of them. See skin test results, right? Just because we haven’t tested them doesn’t mean it isn’t there. I’ve had enough friends deal with celiac to know it can be a silent threat.

What we figured:

  • Even if they don’t NEED to be gluten-free, it’s ok to be. Wheat flour isn’t exactly touted as being healthy.
  • It’s a good practice in case the DO need to be gluten free, or something else free, in the future. Learning how to NOT eat something you want, especially when others around you are, is not a bad lesson.
  • It makes cooking and grocery shopping so much easier. I just buy gluten-free now, period. If Chris wants some gluten in his life, he goes and buys some. Or he orders it at restaurants. He eats significantly less than he did before, but he still eats it regularly.
  • It gives them LOTS of empathy. If they have friends with food allergies or other allergies, they know what it feels like to be left-out sometimes. To have to say no. To be “special”.
  • It will make it easier, in a year, if only some of them need to be gluten free. They know what it means really well!

The result? The three-year-old, Harrison, definitely needs to be gluten-free. Even he knows this. He becomes a hairy, nasty little creature when he gets gluten. He is ornery, tired, has zero inhibitions and just goes around doing whatever his mad little brain says.… no one wants to be around him. We’ve tracked it enough now to know. He knows. He now asks constantly, “Is this gluten-free?” We are also doing our best to avoid peanuts and egg yolk for him, which is much more difficult.

We all get gluten accidentally. It just happens, even with my friends that try to be so vigilant with their kids. I had some mysterious food at an Indian buffet in Bali that I thought was made with chickpea. It was flour. I was like a walking zombie the next day. It was terrible.

Which brings me to….. traveling Asia and being gluten-free!

I’m by NO MEANS an expert. I’ve only been two places internationally so far. I will have to update in a few months when I’ve been more places. However, this is what I’ve learned so far:

  • Third world countries don’t know what you’re talking about. Flour? Wheat Flour? Huh?
  • That being said, RESORTS know! If they serve US or Australia, they know. Our first week in Bali, I ordered room service and said I was gluten-free. It was a little rough translation at first (they had to pass the phone around to a few people), but they got it. It was the only place in Bali we got GF bread. We could order club sandwiches and we all loved it! I kept looking and looking in the next five weeks and never found GF bread again.
  • Grocery stores import foreign GF items. I’ve found it now in Bali (quite a few actually!!) and Singapore. Our closest grocery store in Bali, Popular Market in Sanur, was a heaven-send. We found GF cake mixes, GF pancake mixes, GF granola bars, etc.
  • Cooking classes go a LONG way to knowing what goes into local cultural dishes. I’ve learned what is the base for curry (am I the only one who had NO IDEA?!), the base for peanut sauce, and where hidden gluten may be. Sign up for a cooking class and ask questions! It will make street food A LOT easier. I’ve learned what Chinese desserts are likely made with rice flour.
  • Chinese food in general is NOT GF friendly. We actually went to a restaurant back in CA that was very authentic Chinese. They had the little GF symbol at the bottom of the menu and IT WASN’T ON A SINGLE DISH. When I asked the waiter why they had the symbol and no actual dishes with the symbol, he was unhelpful. I ended up ordering some stir-fry veggies without soy sauce. When I googled being GF in Asia, I also read pretty much everywhere was OK except for China.
  • Soy sauce is your biggest enemy in Asia. It’s in a LOT of thing and the most important thing to ask about.
  • Rice is my new best friend! I eat a lot of fried rice, especially that I make at home.
  • Some seasoning sauces that are dark like soy sauce are OK. Sweet sauce and fish sauce are equally dark, but don’t have gluten. So just because a stir-fry is dark doesn’t mean you can’t have it.
  • If you need to be VERY strict (aka have a sensitive allergy), stay at a hotel and confirm that they know what your allergy is. This usually means more money, for sure. But they will keep you safe. They likely can also recommend other places to eat.

What I’ve also learned about other parts of the world from my own research or friends:

  • Europe should be fine. My allergy is probably reacting to something on gluten, perhaps not gluten itself, and I may not ever have to be GF in Europe! I’m not going to jump in and just start eating it, but I’ve heard their wheat is SO MUCH CLEANER it may not cause my body such issues. Thankfully, our 1-year mark with the kids should be right around when we go to Europe!
  • Ireland is very gluten-free friendly! My friend with Celiac’s who visited there said it was never as issue, even in a random place in the country. Apparently it is very common there. (I’m all European, so makes sense that there will be others there with the same issue!).

What food allergies do you have? How have you dealt with this internationally? Any recommendations for us?

  • Family Travel Eating Gluten-Free in Asia - 7 Wayfinders (2)
  • Family Travel Eating Gluten-Free in Asia - 7 Wayfinders (3)
  • Family Travel Eating Gluten-Free in Asia - 7 Wayfinders (4)
  • Family Travel Eating Gluten-Free in Asia - 7 Wayfinders (5)
  • Family Travel Eating Gluten-Free in Asia - 7 Wayfinders (6)
  • Family Travel Eating Gluten-Free in Asia - 7 Wayfinders (7)
Family Travel Eating Gluten-Free in Asia - 7 Wayfinders (8)
Family Travel Eating Gluten-Free in Asia - 7 Wayfinders (9)
Family Travel Eating Gluten-Free in Asia - 7 Wayfinders (2024)


Which country is the most gluten-free friendly? ›

The Top Gluten-Free Friendly Countries to Visit
  • Spain – Many classic Spanish dishes are gluten-free, like paella. ...
  • Mexico – From tacos to enchiladas, much of Mexico's cuisine is corn- or rice-based. ...
  • Israel – Many traditional Israeli dishes are gluten-free, including shawarma.

How can I go gluten-free for my family? ›

Choose naturally gluten-free grains and flours, including rice, corn, soy, potato, tapioca, sorghum, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, cassava, coconut, arrowroot, amaranth, teff, flax, chia, yucca, bean flours, and nut flours.

What is the best gluten-free food for travel? ›

Good options include: Canned whole or refried beans, canned gluten-free soup, canned fish (tuna, salmon, sardines), whole fresh fruit, avocados, nuts/seeds, dried fruit, gluten-free granola, quick cook brown rice, corn chips, popcorn, rice cakes, nut butter, jam, and whole-grain gluten-free bread.

How can I eat gluten-free while traveling? ›

Good Snacks to Carry:
  1. GF fruit and nut bars.
  2. Cheese sticks.
  3. Whole fruits.
  4. Cut veggies.
  5. GF sandwiches*
  6. GF crackers/rice cakes.
  7. GF beef jerky*
  8. Rolled up cheese and ham*

Can Asians be gluten-free? ›

For many years, Asians were considered less susceptible to gluten intolerance and coeliac disease. However, recent studies from multiple global institutes have concluded that gluten intolerance is on the rise among Asians, especially among the Chinese and Indian consumers.

What ethnicity is most gluten intolerant? ›

Celiac disease affects children and adults alike. Celiac disease usually affects individuals of the non-Hispanic white race (1000 per 100,000 individuals), Hispanics (300 per 100,000 individuals) and non-Hispanic blacks (200 per 100,000 individuals). Women are more commonly affected by celiac disease than men.

What is gluten belly? ›

What is a gluten belly? Gluten belly, also known as wheat belly, is a common phrase that refers to stomach swelling after eating gluten as a result of bloating. Along with bloating, one may also develop symptoms such as stomach pain, flatulence, or irregular bowel movements.

What happens when you stop eating gluten? ›

Some people report feeling dizziness, nausea, extreme hunger and even anxiety and depression when they suddenly go from eating a lot of gluten to being gluten-free. These symptoms usually go away after a few weeks on a gluten-free diet, but talk to your health care provider if they persist.

Is oatmeal good for celiac disease? ›

In conclusion, oats that are pure and uncontaminated by gluten-containing grains are safe for consumption by most individuals with celiac disease, when taken in limited quantities. The availability of oats would improve food choices for those on a gluten-free diet.

What is gluten-free food to take abroad? ›

On long car journeys or when travelling by plane, delays are often inevitable, so it's advisable to make sure you have a store of non-perishable gluten-free snacks such as crackers and biscuits, cereal bars, fruit that doesn't bruise too easily and nuts etc.

Do airplanes have gluten-free food? ›

Request a gluten-free meal when you book your flight (flights abroad, as well as long domestic flights, will serve meals, and many airlines have a gluten-free meal option). Confirm with the airline when checking in to ensure it will be waiting for you.

What things are surprisingly gluten-free? ›

Treats that are surprisingly gluten-free
  • Plain tortilla or potato chips: Keep in mind that seasoned chips may contain wheat starch.
  • Plain chocolate: Read ingredients as some chocolate bars contain wheat-based wafers.
  • Ice cream: Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry are safe bets. ...
  • French fries: Potatoes are gluten free.
Apr 13, 2023

Can you eat gluten-free in Asia? ›

Sushi, sashimi and yakitori (chicken skewers) can be gluten-free (as long as you ask for them without soy sauce), and soba noodles are usually made from pure buckwheat, but always check the ingredients or ask the chef.

What do most gluten-free people eat? ›

Allowed fresh foods
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Beans, seeds, legumes and nuts in their natural, unprocessed forms.
  • Eggs.
  • Lean, nonprocessed meats, fish and poultry.
  • Most low-fat dairy products.

Can you go back to eating gluten after going gluten-free? ›

If you decide to attempt to reintroduce gluten, it should be done very slowly so that you can monitor your reactions to the gluten. We recommend consuming something small at first, like a few crackers. Wait a couple days to see how you feel.

What cuisines are most gluten-free friendly? ›

Here are some of the top cuisines around the world that are very gluten free-friendly:
  • Mexican.
  • Latin American.
  • Thai.
  • Japanese.
  • Indian.
  • Greek.
  • Middle Eastern.
  • Italian.

Why is gluten not a problem in Europe? ›

“Wheat grown in the U.S. [tends to be] higher in gluten, whereas there are several more varieties of wheat grown in Europe that are lower in gluten. So they may not cause issues in those who are gluten-sensitive,” Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDN, LD, told GoodRx Health.

Which country has the most gluten intolerance? ›

With an estimated 2.4 percent of adults between the ages of 30 to 64 years and one in 99 children diagnosed with celiac disease, Finland also holds the record for the highest incidence of the autoimmune condition in the western world.

Why is everyone avoiding gluten? ›

Eliminating gluten is the only way to treat celiac disease, an allergic reaction to gluten that damages the lining of the small intestine. However, as part of a new diet fad, many people are going gluten-free to lose weight.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.